Exhaust tailpipe adapters

For direct and nearly gas tight evacuation of exhaust gas at the tailpipe of the cars on the dynamometer.

Depending on the requirements of the tests and the adaptation possibilities on the car, there are different types and designs.

Please contact us directly so we can discuss your requirements for the suitable adapter.


Therefore we need the following information:

  • vehicle series, engine data, performance data
  • year of manufacture
  • requirements of tests – this primarily relates to temperature and tightness requirements. And also possibilities/requirements of temporary or fix installations at the vehicle.
  • favored flange form

Overview about the adapters and different types


We have developed a wide range of adapters for cars from various manufacturers. We would be happy to develop any kind of adapter that has not been developed yet. The necessary information and data for the development process is described below.

    Development process

    For developing an adapter we use modern technology like 3D CAD und 3D printing.


    We normally get provided with the CAD data for the vehicle needed.

    If this is not possible we can also take measurements on the vehicle. Alternatively we need a muffler complete with end pipes from the customer.

    We will design and customize the adapter in 3D CAD.

    For testing the prototype we are able to print the end pipe data with a 3D printer.
    So we can check and adjust the fitting and clamping easily.

    The finished adapter is ready to use and reproducible.

    Construction types

    To make the right decision for a suitable adapter you can find the most important properties in the following:


    thermal stability
    Vehicle interference
    Adapter with mechanics and seal in outer clamping
    no tool necessary
    limited, circa 220°C long-term loading
    mostly no change is necessary. Sometimes the removal of the molding or rear valance is necessary.
    Adapter with mechanics and seal in inner clamping
    no tool necessary
    limited, circa 220°C long-term loading
    mostly no change is necessary. Sometimes the removal of the molding or rear valance is necessary.
    Adapter in design of glasses, mount at end of pipe profile
    tool is necessary
    with graphit seal up to 600°C
    mostly no change is necessary. Sometimes the removal of the molding or rear valance is necessary.
    Adapter with clamp (absolute metallic)
    limited tightness
    tool is necessary
    hight long-term loading possible
    mostly no change is necessary. Sometimes the removal of the molding or rear valance is necessary.
    Welding adpater
    hight long-term loading possible
    silencer will be changed and adapter is welded.

    An overview of different adapter types is shown in the gallery top right.

    The costs depend on the type of construction and effort. You will find some examples above:

    Excaust tail pipe adapter with mechanics and silicon seal

    The ring of silicon as seal is clamped in longitudinal direction. So it can seal up to the tail pipe.

    There are two ways to clamp. The apdater is on the outside and seals up to the outer shape of the tail pipe. Or it is inside and clamps to the inner shape.



    The adapter is welded to the tailpipe.
    Thus, it is absolutely tight to the environment and insensitive to high temperatures.

    Welding adapter Manufacturing

    Articlenumber: 100 020

    Welding adapter Manufacturing

    Articlenumber: 100 028

    Exhaust Adapter with gripper clamp (absolute metallic)

    The adapter is clamped to the tail pipe with hose clamps.

    There are no temperature sesitive seals. So this adapter can stand high temperature but is restricted in thightness.


    Other Adapters

    Simple adapters for round and oval profiles.
    The connection is made with silicone hoses and hose clamps.

    Depending on the connection there is a great surface of the silicone hose which is in contact with the exhaust.
    That can have a negativ effect on the results of exhaust measurements.

    Single pipe adapter

    Articlenumber: AEA-15-008

    Y-piece adapter

    Articlenumber: AEA-15-010

    Stage Adapter

    Articlenumber: AEA-17-001

    Images and measurements are exemplary.
    On your request there are many profiles and sizes possible.

    Selection based on test conditions

    Test conditions
    Possible construction types
    Performance test with short performance peaks
    Endurance run with hight temperature
    BR, KAM and AA
    The variants KAA and KAI are only partly suitable, it is necessary to change the seal every time
    Emission test on the test bench
    KAA, KAI, BR and AA
    Gas tight adapter necessary, thermal load could be in some cases a problem for KAA and KAI
    Emission test with "real drive"
    KAA, KAI, BR and AA
    Gas tight adapter necessary, thermal load usually higher than it ist on a test bench