Wheel hub fixation for trucks up to
11 tons per axis


These variant of the vehicle fixation is the largest version of our wheel hub fixation.
It is usable for trucks over 7.5 tons with a maximum permissible axis weight of up to
11 tons. 

The dimensioning for up to 11 tons load per axis enables the using of all kinds of commercial vehicles in the european market. Certainly it is possible to use other international cars with maximal axis load of about 11 tons.

The connection is performed over the wheel hub and rim. The wheel bolts must be replaced step for step by thread adaptors. Finally a wheel rim adaptor is mounted.
Via fixation bearing, wheel hub rods as triangle and sliding anchors the vehicle is linked to the dynamometer. The connection is safe and without tension or play.

To allow larger axial offsets from wheel rims (in case of deep rims) we supply a further adaptor ring to overcome this distance without too long thread adaptors.
Therfore it is also possible to use dual tires for example.

This kind of vehicle fixation is suitable to perform all types of test cycles and szenarios. It is usable with all vehicle types within the given weight category.

Tandemlösung der Hubsäulen

Target group

Commercial vehicles, trucks and other heavy duty vehicles over 7.5 tons maximum permissible weight and up to 11 tons load per axis. 


This system is composed of:

  • Sliding anchors
  • Wheel hub rod and diagonal wheel hub rod
  • Fixation bearing, wheel rim adaptors and thread adaptors
  • additional safety is given from the form fit rod-arrest
  • large axial wheel rim offset is possible with adaptor ring

Implemented fixation

Including modifications inside dynamometers and upgrading of a heavy-duty rail system for sliding anchors. All out of one hand.

System size comparison

The system of wheel rim fixation exists in 3 different sizes.

Because of that we can provide usability for all types of vehicles and requirements.
From small car up to big truck.

Overview about complete fixation triangle

Complete fixation triangle

The rods are fitted in a rubberised rod collet to frictionally engage connection.
Because of the increased load requirements additional rod arrest elements are used.


Tandemlösung der Hubsäulen

Important elements

1. Sliding anchor
2. Rubberised rod collet
3. Wheel hub rod
4. Diagonal wheel hub rod
5. Fixation bearing
6. Wheel rim adaptor
7. Thread adaptor
8. Rod arrest
9. Fastener of rod collet

Fixation with adaptors and rods

Connection with adapter ring

Trucks are often equipped with twin tires and wheel rims with large offset.
Therefore we supply an additional adaptor ring (02) which bridges this distance.
This way it is prevented that the thread adaptors (01) will be too long.
Because of the size of the elements, the wheel rim adaptor is a two-part set.
It consists of the adaptor plate (04) and the cone (10).
The remaining parts are discribed in the instruction manual.


Rod arrest element

Because of the increased load requirements additional rod arrest elements are used. The load will not be transmitted with frictionally engaged connection only.
The rod arrest element thus adds a form fitting transmission.
Therefore, the ball lock pin (2) is connecting the rod with the rod collet via the rod arrest element.
The necessary flexibility in length of the rods is approximately stepless. It´s realized through different bolt holes (3) and the thread bushing (1) to the rod collet.

Sliding anchor

The sliding anchor is height adjustable and because of that it is flexible in using different cars with different wheel hub heights. For adjustment of the wheel base the position of the sliding anchor is adjustable on the rail system.
Therby it is a high flexible and safe system.

Fixation bearing and connections

1. Diagonal wheel hub rod
2. Ball lock pin
3. Wheel hub rod
4. and 5. handling aid
6. Wheel rim adaptor
7. Thread adaptor
8. Fixation bearing