We and our environment

Our ecological footprint

What we do for our environment:

New eco-build

The new production hall of S.nbsp;Bleyer GmbH was built according to ecological and economic criteria in cooperation with the Greenpeace Group Stuttgart.

During construction, client Stefan Bleyer avoided environmentally harmful building materials as much as possible and implemented a very advanced heating concept. In this way, S. Bleyer GmbH protects the climate and saves on heating costs.

S. Bleyer GmbH received an award “for outstanding achievements in corporate environmental protection” as part of the “Environmental Award for Companies 2004”. The environmental prize was offered by the state of Baden-Württemberg

Press statement for laying of the foundation stone (only available in German)
Greenpeace ecological profile of the production building
Construction of the ecological production building

First commercial building to meet the Greenpeace criteria for the seal of approval:

  • Insulation materials containing longlasting additives that are difficult to degrade (for example, halogenated flame retardants) are not used;
    Materials containing
  • CFCs/HCFCs are not used;
  • PVC is not used; wood with FSC certification is preferred.

Coherent heating concept

  • 2 CHP with gas
  • Heat pump
  • Good insulation of the production hall
  • Underfloor heating cooled by well water

What else?

  • Biotope with butterfly meadow
  • sensor-controlled light regulation
  • dimmable fluorescent tubes

Environmental Award 2004

On 13 April 2005, S. Bleyer GmbH received an award in the Kurhaus Baden-Baden as part of the “Environmental Prize for Companies 2004” of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

The Ministry of the Environment, which had announced the prize, justified the award for “outstanding achievements in corporate environmental protection” with the following points:

The Minister of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg, Stefan Mappus, presents the Environmental Award certificate to Stefan Bleyer. © Springmann


– Environmentally oriented corporate management

The company has hired its own environmental consultant. Comprehensive, company-specific environmental check is used. With the help of this environmental check and a target-performance comparison, the environmental consultant identifies positive areas and areas for improvement in the company.

– Environmentally conscious products and production

  • In addition to contract manufacturing, ecological products were developed, e.g. solar street lantern for developing countries.
  • The machine oil is biodegradable
  • Only energy-efficient work equipment is used

– Environmentally friendly construction of the factory hall

Monitoring of the project by the Greenpeace local group.

Managing Director Stefan Bleyer (2nd from left) and the Environmental Protection Officer of S. Bleyer GmbH, Matthias von Herrmann (1st from left), with the winners of the first prize in the crafts sector and with representatives of the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts.
© Stuttgart Chamber of Skilled Crafts

Stefan Bleyer (r.) and Lord Mayor Winfried Kübler.

The Lord Mayor of Schorndorf, Winfried Kübler, was invited to the presentation of the environmental award because S. Bleyer GmbH is based in Schorndorf.
© Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts